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UN-CANCELLED: Today’s Events

We *will* have a star party today! Sorry for the cancellations incorrectly sent earlier. Only the solar viewing is cancelled.



Saturday, June 28, 2014 (posted at 12:30pm)

Here is what is actually happening today:

2:00pm, Professor Bering’s lecture on planetary imaging at the Old Professor’s Bookshop in Belfast.

9:00pm, Star Party at Galaxy Quest.

Today’s proposed solar viewing is cancelled.



I apologize for the confusion and the flurry of emails. I received an email from Jacob today (Saturday, June 28, 2014) stating that his trip had been extended, so he would not return until “tomorrow.” He actually wrote the message and cued it to be sent yesterday, but due to the lack of email access where he was traveling, it sent and was received only today. Seeing the message now incorrectly stamped with today’s date, I misunderstood that Jacob meant to confirm on Friday that Friday night would not work, but the party was on for sure for Saturday. I shall be extra-careful about dates of emails going forward, to avoid this sort of monkey-wrench-ism happening again. We want for membership in CMAS to be easy, with clear information and simple choices about fun events.

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