The current complex weather is complicating confirming the events at Merryspring scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday, October 17, 2015. We anticipate a cloudy afternoon, followed by clear skies along the Midcoast. If the weather clears too late, the 7:00pm star party will be cancelled. If the star party is cancelled, we will similarly cancel the 5:00pm dinner at The Smokestack Grill. As of now, Friday, a day in advance, we are canceling the afternoon’s solar viewing.
By noon on Saturday, we will be confirming whether the astronomers traveling from far Down East ought to stay home. By mid-afternoon, we will confirm whether those of us who live closer to Merryspring will be able to meet after all. Odds are good that, if we meet, we will be driving to Merryspring under clouds that we truly expect to pass by 8:00pm. We are doing our best both to meet as planned, and to avoid traveling if the weather stays against us.