CMAS and Merryspring officially announce the public star party to be held at Merryspring on Saturday, October 17th, 2015. There should be quite a turnout, as CMAS expects to be joined by astronomers from The Downeast Amateur Astronomers and Penobscot Valley Star Gazers. Merryspring will be advertising this event to its members, so a large gathering of astronomers would aid in giving the crowds the best possible night. Merryspring holds all sorts of educational events, so this is an excellent opportunity for outreach among an appreciative public. The site itself is a joy, with surprisingly dark skies for a park within a major town.
There is talk of adding a solar viewing during the day, but this will be just for astronomers. Due to Merryspring’s other commitments, this can not be opened to the public. Interested astronomers are encouraged to contact CMAS, because it is only for lack of commitments that the solar viewing is not yet scheduled. This page will be updated if there will be solar viewing. Call or write now, and be the vote that makes it happen!
The entire schedule for the day will be:
2:00pm (?) — Private Solar Viewing (if confirmed!)
5:00pm — Dinner at The Smokestack Grill, 43 Mechanic St, Camden, ME 04843; (207) 230-7135
6:00pm — Setup for Star Party
7:00pm — Public Star Party at Merryspring Nature Center, 30 Conway Road, Camden, Maine 04843; (207) 236-2239