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Introducing CMAS’s Facebook Group

By popular request, CMAS now has a Facebook Group. To join, simply search Facebook for “Central Maine Astronomical Society,” or follow this link:

The Facebook Group will allow CMAS to network with a large cadre of like-minded people, attracting both guests to our star parties and new, permanent members. That’s the power of Facebook’s friends-of-friends connectedness. I’d love to list all the details about this new Group, but it is the creation of CMAS loyalists Brian Murphy and Josh Zuckerman. Many thanks to them! They, and surely many members of CMAS, know infinitely more about Facebook than I know.

If you find a Facebook page about CMAS that seems dated, you are on the wrong page. Some years ago, a page was written that treated CMAS as a person, not as a Facebook Group, so it lacks the features that will make this new Group so useful. Search again or follow the link above.

For those who are not on Facebook, the current email lists and Web site will remain active.

CMAS is going viral. Like us on Facebook!

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