Star Party at Arsenault’s Arsenal Observatory
Saturday, October 13, 2018, at 6:30pm
6 Beaver Drive, Litchfield, ME 04350
At mid-afternoon, the weather reports still favor clear skies tonight, although there is some uncertainty about when the clouds will pass. Eager beavers can show at Beaver Drive as early as 6:30pm, to set up in the fading daylight, and possibly catch a few early hours of good observing. Others are welcome show later, as some forecasts suggest a sky of sucker holes until perhaps as late as 9:00pm.
Tonight is expected to be cold, with the first statewide frost warning, so dress warmly. No worries about freezing while awaiting clear skies, as Lenny’s heated camping trailer will be parked near the observatory for use as a clubhouse and warming hut.
To make finding Lenny’s observatory easy, we have attached a map, with the route along Beaver Drive to the observatory marked in red. The red circle also outlines the observatory and observing field. Trust this map, because online maps sometimes mark the roads in this area incorrectly. Upon arrival, look for red lanterns and light sticks set along the roadside marking the turns all the way from Hardscrabble Road to the observatory, along with a brand-new, glow-in-the-dark “Star Party” sign (which will only be visible if it glows as hoped!).