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Foss Hill Meeting Canceled

THIS MEETING IS CANCELED, DUE TO ICY ROADS. We’ll meet sometime when travel is safer.

The star party at Foss Hill Observatory scheduled for 4:00pm on Saturday, January 14, 2023, is canceled due cloudy weather. But, since we were all going to be at Foss Hill anyway….


Saturday, January 14, 2023, 3:00pm
64 Foss Hill Lane, Rome, Maine 04963

There will be an alternative event at Foss Hill beginning at 3:00pm, featuring important planning, but no observing.

Celebrate your inner lumberjack at a planning session for removing the trees to improve the views along the southern border of the property. This will be first on the agenda, while enough afternoon sunlight remains to see the trees. Woodcutting skills are welcome, but not required. Anyone who could help haul logs or clear brush would be valued on the team.

As darkness falls, begin planning the construction of a new, giant Dobsonian telescope for the club’s second sixteen-inch mirror. The exact design to be built will depend upon the building skills that various CMASians commit to the construction. Metal workers, carpenters, painters, machinists – even tailors could be needed! Join us to offer your skills.


Approaching from Route 8 in Belgrade, or Smithfield Road in Oakland:
• Drive west along Route 225 for 2.1 miles
• Turn right onto Foss Hill Lane

Approaching from Route 27 in Belgrade:
• Drive east along Route 225 for 3.5 miles
• Turn left onto Foss Hill Lane

Last house on the dirt road, driveway on the left, big red barn.

If using a GPS and “Foss Hill Lane” is unavailable, try instead entering “Foss Road” or “Foss Hill Road.” Tests of online mapping software currently show that Google Maps and Apple Maps ought to get you there, but do not use Bing Maps, which take you to the wrong location several miles away. When in doubt, trust the directions given above.

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