By unanimous vote at last night’s business meeting (Tuesday, March 13, 2018), the Bylaws were changed to allow future business meetings to be held on an as-needed basis, on days other than the second Tuesdays of each month. Essentially, this means that, without violating our own Bylaws, we can now do what we had been doing in practice, if unwittingly against the requirements of our own Bylaws. The only new provision is that we hold at least one business meeting per year, as would be necessary for our tax-exempt filings. This change may seem like a minor triumph, but it is part of getting our operations in order, both for sake of good practice, and so that the Bylaws will be internally consistent with the records of our operations when we apply soon to regain nonprofit status with the Internal Revenue Service.
On a personal note looking back on my years as President, Colin has always been a superb Vice President of Equipment, yet other positions on the Board of Directors were not filled for years. I tried to keep pace with all the roles as best I could, but I hope not surprisingly, it simply was not possible. Recruiting a full Board has divided the workload among many officers, so now all of the behind-the-scenes housekeeping chores are being completed. I am grateful to all who have been willing to serve, and believe the membership shall be, too, as it comes to see the results. Your Board consists of willing administrators who are, at heart, eager astronomers. Many hands make light work, leaving more time for play. For a membership that cares more about the club’s activities than the time spent on unseen management, the news from CMAS should become more interesting, beginning now. See you soon at a star party; or, at a field trip or dinner, even if the clouds never depart!
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