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Yes! Star Party Tonight at Brower

Star Party at Brower Observatory
Saturday, November 10, 2018, 5:30pm (earlier setup welcome)
341 Route 126, Whitefield, ME 04353

Hard to believe though it may be, sometime around dusk, today’s clouds and precipitation are expected to blow out to sea, leaving Central Maine with good conditions for astronomy, so CMAS will have a star party tonight (Saturday, November 10, 2018). There may be a bit of excessive wind, but we can observe from inside Brower’s domes to protect ourselves from that.

Writing at midday from Brower Observatory, Colin reports:


“I’m setting up for the star party tonight to take advantage of the high transparency and cloudless skies. We will have the 16″ Scope operating utilizing the new eyepieces purchased by CMAS. We also have the 8” SCT in the Skyshed which has been recently hardwired along with new power receptacles at the observing pads.

“It will be breezy and cool, so wear good footwear and wind protection. The seeing will be turbulent, typical of a rapidly moving front, so expect crisp sparkling brilliant skies.

“Bathroom and warming facilities are always available at Brower.”


CMAS looks forward to seeing everyone tonight at Brower, for a night under clear skies!

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