Flashmob at Brower Observatory
Wednesday, July 3, 2019, 8:30pm
341 Jefferson Road (Route 126), Whitefield, ME 04353
Who needs fireworks, when we have sparkling stars under Maine’s coveted dark skies? “Coveted” they are, with guests arriving from both far away and nearby. CMAS received several independent requests for help observing over the holiday, so we have invited our local friends and the entire club, too. Join us for a fine time on a clear night, and show our guests all that we love about astronomy.
Guests from Washington, D.C. — He, a professional photographer. She, a teacher. They, newly in possession of a telescope with a manual mount (no electronics!), want lessons in how to use it under dark skies.
Guest from Connecticut — A student of astrophotography seeks CMAS’s 16″ Newtonian, for some old-school observing with a big mirror and his own eyes.
Guests from Whitefield — Colin knows everyone in town. His invitation pulls a large crowd, so we need your help!
The usual iron-clad guarantee of clear skies. Bugs possible early, but mosquitos at Brower vanish after dark. Sleep late the following morning, as part of your Fourth of July celebration.