Dates and locations for star parties are set through April 15, including one set for this coming weekend:
Saturday, February 11, 2023; 5:30pm
Brower Observatory
341 Route 126, Whitefield, ME 04353
Colin has been working on mirrors and interferometers and all of those other technical, behind-the-scenes goodies that make everyone’s experience at the eyepiece as wonderful as it is. Bring your eyeballs to Brower for a treat!
Saturday, February 18 ; 6:30pm
Galaxy Quest Observatory
84 Vancycle Road, Lincolnville, ME 04849
The night of the big refractor shootout: 1970s 60mm f/16.7 Royal Astro Tasco versus 2020s 60mm f/5.6 Takahashi. Should be interesting. Each are the best of their era. Come see how the focal ratio of the Takahashi can be changed!
Saturday, March 18, 2023 (start time to be announced)
Night Owl Observatory
6 Beaver Drive, Litchfield, ME 04350
Lenny had so much fun hosting his last star party that he called right away to book another. Climbing that tall ladder to reach the eyepiece of the big Lightspeed Dob makes everyone feel like a real astronomer!
Saturday, April 15, 2023 (start time to be announced)
Foss Hill Observatory
64 Foss Hill Lane, Rome, Maine 04963
Celebrate Tax Day with a CMAS star party! We have been trying to get to Foss Hill for months now, for its vast, open, dark skies. Josh has the blueprints now for the observatory he will be building. Join us to see its future location!