It’s that time of year again, when the Sun sets so late that we don’t meet until 9:00pm. This month, on Saturday, June 8th, we’ll be at Brower Observatory, with high hopes of seeing the skies through newly recoated mirrors on some of our scopes there. Arrive earlier to set up if you like, so we’ll be ready to rock at the necessarily later hour.
Summertime attracts the public. A couple from Cleveland will be in Maine, and plans to join us.
Long range weather forecasts are pessimistic, but CMAS is not. See you there, under glorious clear skies!
I am looking forward to coming out to the observatory soon. Last night, 6-4-13 I captured this object, very low, 1000 ft over my house in central Maine. Open to suggestions. Copy & paste the link below to view the video.