Join us for a star party at Brower Observatory on Friday, March 13, 2015, at Brower Observatory in North Whitefield, beginning at 8:00pm. Earlier setup welcome.
Please be aware of the special conditions for this star party. The snow at Brower is so deep that the plow has been unable to clear it. We are going to meet anyway, but it will be necessary to walk to the observatory from Colin’s house along a pathway stomped for the purpose. The distance is not far, but the trip will qualify as a winter sport. We’ll clear a pad or two for telescopes at the observatory. We suggest bringing your binoculars, but not your telescopes, to avoid carrying them over the snowy ground. We’ll use instead the telescopes stored at the observatory, including the 16″ Newtonian in the dome.
Adventurous access aside, this will be a great star party. March is the month with the greatest number of Messier objects visible, so Brian Murphy will lead us in a Messier Marathon. With snow on the ground, this is also an excellent opportunity for skiers and snow shoers to bring their gear and enjoy the paths through the adjacent woods. More Messier objects may be visible from atop the nearby hill!
We’re meeting on Friday instead of Saturday because snow is anticipated for Saturday night. The evening before a storm arrives is often especially clear, so join us for what promises to be an exceptional winter star party.