If the weather is right tomorrow (Saturday, February 27, 2016, beginning at 7:00pm), we’ll be hosting a flashmob at Brower Observatory in North Whitefield, in celebration of a night of fine sights on Jupiter. There will be transits and shadow transits of the moons, and even an opportunity to see the Great Red Spot in its newly, truly red garments. (It has been rather brown these past few years.) Some of this starts early, some occurs rather late; but, it won’t be half as much fun unless you are there, so join us! if only we meet…
I hear ya thinkin’… weather ain’t lookin’ so great. Gotta stake the scopes against with wind with strong rope, and plan on radio astronomy to cut through the clouds! Per usual, we’re hoping for better weather than predicted, which sometimes occurs, so watch for updates!