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Timing of Occultation of Mars

For Central Maine, the times for the occultation on Monday, January 13, 2025, are:

9:29:52pm — Occultation begins (Mars touches the Moon before vanishing behind it)

10:44:38pm — Mars reappears (the edge of Mars is first seen emerging)

For the hour-and-a-quarter in between these times, Mars will . . . → Read More: Timing of Occultation of Mars

Star Party at Galaxy Quest Observatory

Saturday, January 18, 2025, 5:30pm

The early sunsets of winter allow us to schedule star parties on nights that will be fully dark until a bright moon rises after hours of observing. With Orion high in the sky, this is an opportunity to see its pinks and blues in the 18-inch . . . → Read More: Star Party at Galaxy Quest Observatory

Star Parties at Brower and Foss Hill Observatories

Saturday, January 25, 2025 Saturday, February 1, 2025

Mark the dates since we know them. Which observatory on which night to be decided. Brower’s Trischiefspiegler telescope is ready for planet season. The new roll-off roof observatory at Foss Hill in Rome is approaching its time for a grand opening. Two great choices!