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Star Party At Brower Observatory

Brower Observatory 341 Route 126, Whitefield, ME 04353

The weather looks good, so CMAS confirms its star party for tonight! Colin writes:


A good night ahead.

The access to the Observatory is limited, and there will be no permanent parking up there. Parking will be at the house. Anyone with bulky equipment to set . . . → Read More: Star Party At Brower Observatory

Best Night For The Comet

Comet C/2022 E3 (ZFT) will be so close to Mars tonight that if one finds Mars in binoculars and scans nearby, the comet should be almost impossible not to see it. Couldn’t be easier! We’ll pop it into view in some telescopes, too. We saw it a few weeks back at the last star party . . . → Read More: Best Night For The Comet

Promising Weather for Brower Star Party

The weather looks promising for tomorrow’s star party. Watch for a final confirmation by early afternoon:

Saturday, February 11, 2023; 5:30pm Star Party at Brower Observatory 341 Route 126, Whitefield, ME 04353

Colin has been working on mirrors and interferometers and all of those other technical, behind-the-scenes goodies that make everyone’s experience at the eyepiece . . . → Read More: Promising Weather for Brower Star Party