By Jon, on August 17th, 2022 Star parties have started again, at our favorite old haunts and some new locations.
Stars Over Katahdin moves to the Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument. Same darkest skies, same mountain, but better for the organizers, so better for us!
Nothing beats Maine’s dark skies in Katahdin Woods and Waters, but for man-made amazement, nothing . . . → Read More: CMAS Schedule Through December, 2022
By Jon, on December 22nd, 2020 Yesterday, the Gods of the Clouds denied our view of the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, but tonight, we may or may not get a second chance! The usual, dueling weather forecasts of Maine say that the clouds will clear, possibly soon enough to see the conjunction before it sets at 6:20pm (but, remember, . . . → Read More: Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn — Another Chance!
By Jon, on December 22nd, 2020 Colin called me just a few minutes ago, saying that through the windshield of his car, he had a beautiful view of the near conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. At the actual moment of official “conjunction” just a few days from now (on Monday, December 21st), Jupiter and Saturn will not appear to be a . . . → Read More: Near Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn