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Galaxy Quest Postponed

Dreams of meeting at Galaxy Quest tomorrow (Saturday, May 25, 2019) have been postponed by the now sadly routine predictions of a formidable cloud cover for the coming weekend. This star party is now rescheduled to one week later (Saturday, June 1, 2019), when the skies are *guaranteed* to be clear!

Saturday, June 1, 2019, . . . → Read More: Galaxy Quest Postponed

POSTPONED: Brower Workday and Star Party

Due to the lousy weather that is predictable only for continuing on-and-off rain and steady clouds, CMAS is postponing the workday and star party at Brower Observatory previously called for tomorrow, Saturday, May 4, 2019. Painting was, by far, the biggest project planned. We’ll wait for reliably dry weather for that!

But, we’re off to . . . → Read More: POSTPONED: Brower Workday and Star Party

Workday at Brower Observatory / Possible Star Party

Saturday, May 4, 2019 Workday at Brower Observatory, 9:00am—2:00pm Possibly, Maybe Followed by a Star Party, 8:30pm 341 Jefferson Rd (Rt 126), Whitefield, ME 04353


Brower Observatory, the Mauna Kea of Maine, holds its annual Workday this Saturday, May 4, 2019, from 9:00am to 2:00pm. Many hands make work go fast, so CMAS needs . . . → Read More: Workday at Brower Observatory / Possible Star Party