Saturday, March 17, 2018, 7:00pm — 11:00pm
Star Party at Brower Observatory
341 Route 126, Whitefield, ME 04353
We promised to meet on our rain date after missing last week due to clouds, if only the weather would cooperate. Now, we see that the forecast is transparent, clear, and breezy, if (admittedly!) cold, so now CMAS delivers…
Bring just your eyeballs, or, optionally, also skis and snowshoes for a fun time at the CMAS recreation center at Brower Observatory on Saturday, March 17, 2018, at 7:00pm. Shoosh to Jones Hill, a fun jaunt through the woods to a great horizon. Even if woods-walking isn’t your bag, everyone is needed, to test the right height for the pier to be made for the 12″ LX200 in the new-to-us SkyShed Pod observatory. We’ll be turning the 16” in the dome onto the Orion Nebula and some spring Deep Space Objects, before they get washed out by the lengthening days and the encroaching Western treeline. The 16” is large enough to show blues and even some pinks in the Orion Nebula, so this is a glorious last opportunity of the season!
For those who saw that, briefly, this time was reserved on the Web site’s calendar for a star party at Bombahook, we are now officially meeting instead at Brower, as originally planned, having confirmed that Brower can be dug out of the recent storm after all!