Tonight will likely be largely cloudless, yet lots of water vapor and a churning atmosphere are expected to diminish the view at the eyepiece. It may be a good night for backyard astronomy, in case actual conditions are better than those forecast.
Next week, CMAS aids Penobscot Valley Star Gazers in presenting a public star party at Emera Astronomy Center in Orono, hosted by Dwight Lanpher. As Dwight’s previous email to CMAS’s membership describes, the event is targeted for Friday, April 13, 2018, with a rain date set for the next day, Saturday, April 14. The highlight of this event will be time observing with Emera’s classic 8” Alvan Clark refractor, an instrument of significant historical significance, built in 1901. The Alvan Clark refractor is available on either night, but the planetarium will only be open on Friday.
Friday, April 13, 2018, 7:00pm — The target night for this event:
• Viewing with the 8” Alvan Clark refractor.
• Planetarium show, with tickets courtesy of Dwight Lanpher. If you wish to join us, be sure to inform Dwight soon!
• Star Party! After the planetarium show, the public is invited to observe through the Alvan Clark refractor. While those in the large crowd await their turns to enter the small observatory, CMAS and PVSG will entertain and enlighten them with telescopes on the ground outside. For this part of the evening, we need to bring telescopes of our own.
Saturday, April 14, 2018, 7:00pm — If clouds on Friday push the event to Saturday:
• Viewing with the 8” Alvan Clark refractor.
• There will be no planetarium show.
• Star Party??? With the planetarium closed, it is likely that a far smaller crowd would be vying to view through the Alvan Clark. CMAS should still bring a few telescopes, just in case.
Alvan Clark Refractor:
Planetarium Show:
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