Star Party at Brower Observatory
Saturday, November 10, 2018, 5:30pm (earlier setup welcome)
341 Route 126, Whitefield, ME 04353
Herewith, CMAS reminds astronomers of its intentions to host a star party at Brower Observatory tomorrow (Saturday, November 10). We also confess that, as is so often the case here in Maine, we are uncertain whether the weather will coöperate. It seems likely that, after a cloudy day tomorrow, the evening will be clear; but, the fields may be soaked, or there may be high, gusting winds. So, watch your email, or check the Website, for a final “yay” or “nay” at midday tomorrow. Then again, we Mainers never need perfect weather, so polish your eyepieces and hope not necessarily for the “best,” but even just good-old “good enough!”