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Promising Weather for Brower Star Party

The weather looks promising for tomorrow’s star party. Watch for a final confirmation by early afternoon:

Saturday, February 11, 2023; 5:30pm Star Party at Brower Observatory 341 Route 126, Whitefield, ME 04353

Colin has been working on mirrors and interferometers and all of those other technical, behind-the-scenes goodies that make everyone’s experience at the eyepiece . . . → Read More: Promising Weather for Brower Star Party

Upcoming Star Parties

Dates and locations for star parties are set through April 15, including one set for this coming weekend:


Saturday, February 11, 2023; 5:30pm Brower Observatory 341 Route 126, Whitefield, ME 04353

Colin has been working on mirrors and interferometers and all of those other technical, behind-the-scenes goodies that make everyone’s experience at the eyepiece . . . → Read More: Upcoming Star Parties

Confirming CMAS Star Party


Saturday, January 21, 2023 4:30 sunset before full darkness by 6:15pm Salt Bay Farm, 110 Belvedere Road, Damariscotta, ME 04543

Join us tonight for clear skies at Salt Bay Farm! The news from the good folks at Coastal Rivers Conservancy is that the kiosk with the big . . . → Read More: Confirming CMAS Star Party