By Jon, on November 19th, 2022 Join CMAS at Brower Observatory tonight! There should be at least a few good hours of observing before any clouds roll in. For those wanting to set up while it is still light, the Sun sets a little after 4:00pm, dusk falls by 4:45pm, with total darkness by 5:45pm.
Saturday, . . . → Read More: CMAS Star Party Tonight — Saturday, November 19, 2022
By Jon, on November 12th, 2022 Colin Caissie reports on the progress building the club’s Trischiefspiegler telescope. The Trischiefspiegler is an astonishingly complex telescope to build, but will be the ultimate planetary telescope upon completion. And, that’s not just proud bragging. Its 10″ aperture is as large as the atmospheric conditions in Maine ever allow, and its astonishingly long focal length . . . → Read More: Preparing Cmas’s Trischiefspiegler To View Mars
By Jon, on November 12th, 2022 This may be subjective, and I don’t mean to whine, but… Why was the total lunar eclipse of the Moon of November 8, 2022, less spectacular, and far less beautiful, than others I have seen?
The most striking feature of a lunar eclipse is not that the Earth’s shadow crosses the . . . → Read More: Naysayer’s Guide To The Total Lunar Eclipse