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Star Party At Foss Hill Observatory

Saturday, December 17

4:00pm Setup for full darkness by 5:00pm (later arrivals welcome)

64 Foss Hill Lane, Rome, Maine 04963

Josh Zukerman’s house atop Foss Hill is a truly spectacular location. He is hoping that the fields will not be buried in snow, so that everyone will . . . → Read More: Star Party At Foss Hill Observatory

Star Party At Galaxy Quest Observatory

Saturday, February 18, 2023

6:30pm (later arrivals welcome)

84 Vancycle Road, Lincolnville, ME 04849

(Turn left into Donkey Universe Farm, shortly after the pavement changes to dirt.)

Jacob Gerritsen invites everyone to Galaxy Quest Observatory, for a triple-feature within our double-feature! First, there are Galaxy . . . → Read More: Star Party At Galaxy Quest Observatory

CHANGE OF PLANS: Mirror Silvering Workshop is Cancelled

On Saturday, August 20, 2022, there WILL be a star party at Brower Observatory at 9:00pm, as originally planned.


There WILL NOT be a silvering workshop before the star party at 4:00pm.

Sorry for the last-minute change. A shipment of chemicals necessary to the workshop did not arrive as expected, so it will not . . . → Read More: CHANGE OF PLANS: Mirror Silvering Workshop is Cancelled