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Confirming Star Gazing at DRA; Dinner at Sarah’s


The weather couldn’t be better! Clear skies and a warm night. The Central Maine Astronomical Society looks forward to seeing everyone tonight at the Damariscotta River Association’s Great Salt Bay Farm for a star party:

TONIGHT — Saturday, July 7, 2018
9:00pm (earlier setup welcome)

Great Salt Bay Farm
Damariscotta River Association
110 Belvedere Road, Damariscotta, ME 04543


At press time, there is a movement to meet for dinner at Sarah’s in Wiscasset, prior to the star party. More often than not, when these dinners start to be planned, the turnout is good. At the least, we can guarantee you will not be alone. New folks welcome. Sarah’s is just off Route 1, at the end of the bridge in Wiscasset, fifteen minutes from DRA:

TONIGHT — Saturday, July 7, 2018, 6:15pm
Sarah’s Cafe
45 Water Street, Wiscasset, ME 04578

(207) 882 7504

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