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No Aurora Borealis

CMASians who despair of having missed a rare opportunity, be comforted in knowing that nary a whisp of the aurora borealis was visible this past Saturday. We had a great star party for objects high overhead, despite the somewhat soupy horizons that may have obscured whatever aurora otherwise may have been visible. It may also . . . → Read More: No Aurora Borealis

Star Party for the Aurora Borealis

Your ever-hopeful astronomy club meets tonight at Brower Observatory, in anticipation of seeing the much-hooplahed Aurora Borealis. Currently, the solar wind that causes the aurora is unusually strong, which may push the aurora from the Arctic down into Maine, so that there is a fair chance we may see it. The aurora is often faint . . . → Read More: Star Party for the Aurora Borealis

CONFIRMING Star Party at Great Salt Bay Farm

Saturday, July 27, 2019, 9:00pm*

Star Party at Great Salt Bay Farm

110 Belvedere Road, Damariscotta, ME 04543

* Earlier setup always welcome!


See you tonight (Saturday, July 27, 2019) for the star party at Great Salt Bay Farm in Damariscotta. The weather forecasts (all but one) promise clear skies. CMAS promises a great . . . → Read More: CONFIRMING Star Party at Great Salt Bay Farm