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Star Parties at Wiscasset, Waterville, and Farmington Railway

Saturday, May 13th, 2023 Saturday, May 20th, 2023

Setup 7:00pm or earlier Trainloads of guests arrive 8:10pm

Wiscassett, Waterville, and Farmington Railway Sheepscot Station, 97 Cross Road, Alna ME 04535

All aboard for CMAS’s star parties at the Wiscasset, Waterville, and Farmington Railway in Alna! These have been so successful in the past that . . . → Read More: Star Parties at Wiscasset, Waterville, and Farmington Railway

Foss Hill Star Party Postponed


CMAS is canceling the star party originally scheduled at Foss Hill for tonight (Saturday, April 15, 2023) and re-scheduling it for next weekend. Must seem crazy on such a beautiful day, but every forecast predicts dense clouds blocking the skies starting at sundown.


RESCHEDULED STAR PARTY AT FOSS HILL . . . → Read More: Foss Hill Star Party Postponed

Flash Mob at Night Owl Observatory

Monday, April 10, 2023 Arrive 7:00pm or later 6 Beaver Drive, Litchfield, ME 04350

Your host, Lenny Arsenault, is not one to waste a rare night of ideal, cloudless, moonless skies. He and Colin have tweaked the Trischiefspiegler to perfection. CMAS’s latest and most unusual telescope allows the rare combination of high-resolution at high magnification . . . → Read More: Flash Mob at Night Owl Observatory